Friday, January 27, 2006

Web 2.0 in the law firm has a great post about Web 2.0 in the law firm: The Uneasy Lawyer And IT Dialogue.

Patrick Cormier writes:

As I read two recent posts on the subject topic (Business and I.T. Must Work Together to Manage New "Web 2.0″ Tools by Dennis D. McDonald and Jeremiah Owyang and The Lawyer-IT Dialogue by Simon Fodden), I realized how much of a universal challenge the relationship is - between lawyers and Information Technology (IT). Why is this relationship challenging?

Lawyers share a common context with their clients. Lawyers must be familiar with the problems and issues of their clients. On the other hand, bankruptcy & insolvency lawyers, criminalists and litigators (for example) are not, by default, knowledgeable about Information Technology in general and Web 2.0 in particular1. The lack of shared context between lawyers and IT is unfortunate, because Web 2.0 trends and technologies can benefit lawyers and law firms in a number of ways.


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